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Lunch Program

All students staying for lunch are required to complete a lunch form on schoolzone or have one sent home from the main office.   Please see fee schedule for amount.  

All students eat lunch in their classroom for 20 minutes and then they move outside to play.  Supervision is provided during lunch and recess times.

Please contact us to inquire about the cost associated with lunchroom or check our fee schedule.  Students who stay occasionally pay $2 per day.


Apply to be a Lunchroom Supervisor (currently we are not seeking new supervisors for the 2023-2024 School Year)


Do you enjoy working with children? Are you interested in applying to be a lunch-time supervisor at McLeod School?  We do look for new lunchroom supervisor and will post on SchoolZone and our Facebook page.  For more information please email McLeod@epsb.ca.


  • Work from 11:20am to 12:20pm (school days only)